Monday, March 24, 2014

Two guns for biceps and abs of steel; I was yet again in someone else's shoes. I dug my hands through the large pockets of the gray sweatpants I had on and grabbed the iPhone. Right before I turned it on, I saw Bill's reflection on the black 3.5 inch screen. This reflection of Bill conveyed the deepest sense of somberness I've ever seen. The train that Bill had been waiting for pulls into the station, and he takes a vacant window seat. Stop by stop, Bill sat in loneliness as people wholeheartedly avoided sitting next to him and his melancholy soul. This didn't bother him; for he was accustomed to being alone. However as a group of jocks entered the train with bad intentions, Bill began to feel uneasy. The malicious clique zeroed in on their target; an obese boy who ironically enough was eating a Twinkie. They started rolling insults at the defenseless kid and Bill became infuriated...

The train began to move again, and as I sat down I realized that I was smaller now. I wasn't wearing worn out running shoes, large sweatpants, or any fitted shirts; I was back inside of my own body and I couldn't be happier. I know my life isn't perfect, but after seeing some of the unforgettably life-scarring events of my peers; I'm more than okay with being April Gray.

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